★ 어휘 ★
| 397. in a private practice | 개업하여 | 415. in motion | 이동중 | 398. in accordance with | ~와 일치하여 | 416. in need of | ~가 필요한 | 399. in addition to | ~외에도 | 417. in observance of | ~을 준수하여 | 400. in advance | 미리,사전에 | 418. in person | 직접, 몸소 | 401. in an effort to | ~할 노력으로 | 419. in place of | ~대신에 | 402. in bulk | 대량으로 | 420. in progress | 진행중인 | 403. in charge of | ~의 책임을 지고 있는 | 421. in reference to | ~에 관하여 | 404. in comparison with | ~과 비교하여 | 422. in spite of (=despite) | ~에도 불구하고 | 405. in danger of extinction | 멸종위기의 | 423. in the end | 마침내는 | 406. in delivery | 배달중 | 424. in the near future | 가까운 장래에 | 407. in demand | 수요가 있는 | 425. in violation of | ~을 위반하여 | 408. in detail | 자세히 | 426. inaccurate | 부정확한 | 409. in error | 잘못하여, 틀려서 | 427. inaugurate | 시작하다 | 410. in excess of | ~을 초과하여 | 428. incentive | 장려금 | 411. in favor of | ~에 찬성하여 | 429. incorporate | 통합시키다 | 412. in good condition | 상태가 양호한 | 430. increase in sales | 판매증가 | 413. in honor of | ~에 경위를 표하여 | 431. increasingly | 점점더 | 414. in light of | ~고려하여 | 432. incur | 야기하다 |
| | ★ 문법 - 어형 / 동명사와 부정사 ★
| V+~ing | sV+to R | V+O+to R | sV+O+R | | consider discontinue stop finish deny postpone enjoy avoid mind | wish hope plan intend expect decide refuse promise manageprefer | advise persuade enable encourage instruct allow | have make let | spend 돈/시간 ~ing |
*Help The secretary helped (to) fill out the application form.(O) The secretary helped the candidate ( to) fill out the application form.(O)
*To+ ing look forward to ~ingbe used to ~ing object to ~ingbe opposed to ~ing be subject(ed) to ~ingbe dedicated/devoted to ~ing be entitled to R/~ingcome close to ~ing
| | ★ 연습문제 ★
| 1.The (A)ideal candidate for the program manager position (B)will possess excellent communication skills and ability (C)for make decisions (D)quickly.
2.The (A)energetic members of the Dellingford Chamber of Commerce (B)are leading the drive to (C)restoration the city's (D)poorly maintained central shopping area.
3.The purpose (A)of the program is (B)provide participants with information (C)about effective time-management (D)practices.
4.The Health and Human Services Department will take measures to help ______the speed of the disease. (A)to limiting(B)limit(C)limiting(D)have limited
5.As need arises, the training committee will consider ___________ additional certification programs. (A)to introduce (B)introducing(C)introduce (D)introduced
6.The Mennonite Central Committee usually has volunteers ________the minutes of monthly meetings to reduce operating costs. (A)transcribe(B)transcribed(C)be transcribing(D)to be transcribed
7.All presenters and session chairs are expected ________ before the conference and pay the standard fees. (A)register (B)to register (C)will register (D)registering
8._________new markets has allowed manufacturers to vary the style and range of their product line. (A)Develop (B)Developed (C)Developing (D)Development
9.(A)To continuing to pursue our (B)current sales strategy, we will (C)need unanimous agreement (D)at the next board meeting.
<정답> 1. (C)for -> to 2. (C)restoration -> restore 3. (B)provide -> to provide 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A)To continuing -> To continue |