Lesson 10 - 오늘의 핸드아웃

★ 어휘 ★

325. failure고장343. formal형식적인
326. fairly매우, 아주344. format형태, 체제
327. far from~로부터 거리가 먼345. former이전의
328. favorably장비호의적으로346. forward전송하다
329. feature 특징, 크게 다루다347. found설립하다
330. fill out 작성하다348. founder창시자
331. financial재무의349. free of charge(=for free)무료로
332. find out발견하다350. frequent빈번한
333. finish +~ing끝내다351. fuel-efficient연비효율이 높은
334. firm회사352. function기능, 작동하다
335. fiscal year회계연도353. fundamentally근본적으로
336. flourish번성하다354. further details보다 자세한 내용
337. fluctuate오르내리다355. gain얻다
338. fluency 유창함356. generate낳다, 발생시키다
339. flyer전단지357. generous관대한
340. focus on~에 집중하다358. geographical지리상의
341. follow따르다359. get rid of제거하다
342. following다음에계속되는(adj.) ~후에(prep.)360. get through~을 통과하다

★ 연습문제 ★

1.Brent Colette _________for the post office for nearly nineteen years before he quit his job,
(A)has worked(B)had worked
(C)works(D)has been working

2.If you have your bank generate a money order, it usually _______ conversion fees.
(C)charging(D)is charging

3.The company ___________in providing a full range of investment services to individual clients since 1911.
(C)has specialized(D)have specialized

4.When we (A)will finish next month's (B)work calendar, we (C)have to submit it to the manager for (D)approval.

<정답> 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4.(A) will finish -> finish

★ 문법 - 가정법 ★

1.가정법 과거 If S+과거동사, S + (would. could, should) +R
If I knew his address, I would write a letter to him.

2.가정법 과거완료 If S+ had +p.p, S + (would, could, should) + have + p.p.
If I had known his phone number, I would have called him.

3.if 생략Had I known his phone number, I would have called him.
=If I had known his phone number, I would have called him.

4.Please call me should you have a problem.

★ 연습문제 ★

1.If customers knew about the features offered on our website, they _________it to make purchases and inquiries.
(C)would use(D)will use

2.Funding might have been available to us if we _________agreed on the project.
(A)would have(B)should have
(C)has (D)had

3.Had the evidence (A)been discovered three days (B)earlier, the lawyers (C)might been able to win the (D)case

4.Please (A)bring your vehicle (B)into the automotive center should (C)your require the (D)estimate.

<정답> 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (C) might been -> might have been 4. (C) your -> you


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