Lesson 9 - 오늘의 핸드아웃

★ 어휘 ★

289. entrepreneur사업가307. expansion확장
290. entry출품물, 참가자308. expansive넓은
291. envelope봉투309. expedite진척시키다
292. equipment장비310. expenditure지출
293. essential필수의311. expert숙달된, 전문가
294. established확립된312. expire기한이 만료되다
295. establishment회사,관청313. exposure to~에 대한 노출
296. estimate추정하다,견적서314. express interest in~에 관심을표하다
297. evaluation평가315. extend연장하다
298. eventually결국316. extension확장,연장
299. examine검토하다317. extensive광범위한, 대규모의
300. exceed초과하다318. extinct멸종된
301. except for~을 제외하고319. extinguish불을 끄다
302. exclusive독점적인320. extremely극도로, 몹시
303. executive이사진321. fabric섬유의
304. exhaust지치게하다322. facilities management시설 관리부
305. exhibition전시회, 박람회323. faculty교수진
306. expand확장하다324. fail to~하지 못하다

★ 연습문제 ★

1.The president ______that he will call general elections to capitalize on his popularity rating.

2.Today's shipment might _____due to the terrible weather conditions.
(A)be delayed(B)delay

3.The seminar on protection of the environment will begin on August tenth and ______on the fourteenth.
(A)end (B)ends

4.Since the performance was too long, everyone was relieved when the intermission time ______.
(A)was arrived(B)arrived

5.The number of people who are eligible for the promotion this year _______much less than is previous years.
(A)is (B)are

6.______not enough chairs n the boardroom for all of the delegates.
(A)There is(B)There are

7.The supplies of fish in the North Atlantic Ocean have ________dangerously low levels.

8.The stockbroker recommended that his clients ______their current portfolio.

<정답> 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A)

★ 문법 - 시제 ★

습관이나 진리를 나타내는 말은 현재시제로!! usually
He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

과거시제역사적 사실이 과거에 일어난 일에 대해 과거시제로 쓴다.
과거시제 부사에 유의한다. (과거시제와 현재완료는 절대 같이 쓸수 없다.)
those days, at that time, ago, last week, yesterday, then
I passed the exam 3 years ago.

미래시제If it () tomorrow, I will not swim.
(A) will rain(B) rains
조건부사접속사(if/ as long as)나 시간부사접속사( when / while/ as long as/ until/ by
the time)가 이끄는 부사절에는 절대로 미래 시제를 쓸 수가 없다.

have +p.p.
We have been friends since we met last year.
We have been friends since last year.
We have been friends for 2 years.

미래완료will have +p.p.
She will have worked for 20 years by her retirement.
She will have worked for 20 years by the time she retires.

과거완료had +p.p.
She had worked by last year.
She had worked by the time he came.

He dies 5 years ago, and his wife had died 2 years before.


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