Lesson 8 - 오늘의 핸드아웃

★ 어휘 ★

253. distribute배포하다271. elapse경과하다
254. diverse다양한272. eliminate제거하다, 탈락시키다
255. diversify다양화 하다273. embroider수놓다
256. do one’s utmost(best)최선을 다하다274. emerge나타나다, 출현하다
257. document서류275. enable A to BA가 B 하도록 하다
258. donation기부276. enclose 동봉하다
259. draft초안277. enclosed동봉된
260. dramatic극적인278. encounter직면하다, 직면
261. drawings도면279. encourage권장하다
262. due to~ 때문에280. energy efficient에너지 효율적인
263. durable내구성이 있는281. enforceable집행할 수 있는
264. duty임무, 직무282. enhance강화하다
265. each other서로에게 (둘사이에서)283. enormous거대한
266. eagerly열심히284. enroll가입하다
267. easy-to follow쉽게 이해할수 있는285. ensure보증하다, 확실하게 하다
268. editor편집자286. enterprise사업, 기업
269. effective효과적인287. entirely전적으로
270. efficiency효율성288. entrance입학, 입회

★ 확인학습 ★

1.All of the customers who were in the bank at the time of the robbery have to be questioned.

2.The medical study, which was started nearly six years ago, has produced very interesting results.

3.The latest hi-tech products that are produced in Taiwan are much cheaper that their German counterparts.

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