★ 어휘 ★
| 181. consistently | 일관성있게, 꾸준히 | 199. courtesy of | ~ 의 호의로 | 182. constant | 불변의 | 200. cover | 포함하다, 다루다 | 183. construct | 건설하다 | 201. craft | 공예품 | 184. consumer needs | 소비자의 요구 | 202. critical | 중대한, 결정적인 | 185. contentment | 만족 | 203. currency | 통화, 돈 | 186. contents | 내용물 | 204. current | 현재의 | 187. continue to | 계속 ~ 하다 | 205. customary | 관습적인 | 188. contrary to | ~ 에 반대되는 | 206. customer | 고객 | 189. contribute to | ~ 에 기여하다 | 207. customize | 맞추다 | 190. contributor | 기부자, 출석자 | 208. customs regulation | 세관 규정 | 191. cooperate | 협력하다 | 209. dairy farming | 낙농업 | 192. coordinate | 조정하다, 협의하다 | 210. damage to | ~ 에 대한 손해 | 193. copy | 사본 | 211. damaged luggage | 손상된 짐 | 194. corporate | 회사의 | 212. deal with | ~ 을 취급하다 | 195. correct | 교정하다 | 213. dealer | 상인, 판매인 | 196. correspondence | 통신,연락 | 214. dealership | 대리점 | 197. cost-effective | 비용 효과가 큰 | 215. decline | 감소하다, 감소 | 198. costly | 비용이 많이 드는 | 216. dedicate | 헌신하다 |
| | ★ 연습문제 ★
| 1. All of the customers ______were in the bank at the time of the robbery have to be questioned. (A)who (B)which
2. The medical study, _______was started nearly six years ago, has produced very interesting results. (A)which (B)that
3. The latest hi-tech products _____are produced in Taiwan are much cheaper that their German counterparts. (A)what (B)that
4. The travel agent ______office is located on Water Street has been arranging all of my vacation plans for the past three years. (A)whose (B)which
5. (A)Bonus checks (B)were given to the sales team members (C)whose had broken the company's sales (D)record in a month.
<정답> 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) whose -> who