★ 어휘 ★
| 145. company housing | 사택 | 163. concerning | ~ 에 관하여 | 146. compare | 비교하다 | 164. conclude | 결론을 내리다 | 147. compel | 강요하다 | 165. condense | 압축하다 | 148. compensate for | 보상하다 | 166. conditional | 조건적인 | 149. compensation | 보상 | 167. conduct an interview | 면접을 실시하다 | 150. competition | 경쟁, 경쟁자, 대회 | 168. conduct | 수행하다,행위 | 151. competitiveness | 경쟁력 | 169. conference | 대회 | 152. competitor | 경쟁자 | 170. confident | 확신하고 있는 | 153. compile | 편집하다 | 171. confidential | 기밀의, 비밀의 | 154. complain | 불평하다 | 172. confirm | 확인하다 | 155. complementary | 보완하는 | 173. consecutive | 연속적인 | 156. complete | 전부의, 완전한, 끝내다 | 174. consent | 동의 | 157. complimentary | 무료의 | 175. conservation | 보존 | 158. comply with | ~ 에 순응하다 | 176. consider | 고려하다 | 159. component | 구성 요소 | 177. considerable | 상당량의 | 160. comprehensive | 종합적인 | 178. considerate | 사려깊은 | 161. compromise | 타협하다 | 179. considering | ~ 을 고려하면 | 162. concentrate on | ~ 에 집중하다 | 180. consist of | ~ 로 구성되어 있다 |
| | ★ 문법 - 관계사 문법정리 내용 ★
| 명사절 형용사절 부사절
1. 관계사 찾기 관계대명사 주격 I like the boy who is cute. 관계대명사 목적격 I like the boy whom you talk to. 관계형용사 소유격 I like the boy whose name is John. 관계부사I like Paris where I grew up.
2. 수일치 I like the boy who is cute. I like the boys who are cute.
3. 관계사 생략 The man (who is ) delivering the radio is my brother. The computer (that) you select is expensive.
4. 관계사 that I like the boy, that is cute. (X) I like the boy to that you talk. (X)
5. 관계사 that/what I like the dog which is cute. =that I like the dog which is cute. =what
6.관계사 중복 No!!! I know the boy who he is cute. (X) I know the boy whom you talk to him.(X)
| | ★ 연습문제 ★
| 1. All of the customers ______were in the bank at the time of the robbery have to be questioned. (A)who (B)which
2. The medical study, _______was started nearly six years ago, has produced very interesting results. (A)which (B)that
3. The latest hi-tech products _____are produced in Taiwan are much cheaper that their German counterparts. (A)what (B)that
4. The travel agent ______office is located on Water Street has been arranging all of my vacation plans for the past three years. (A)whose (B)which
5. (A)Bonus checks (B)were given to the sales team members (C)whose had broken the company's sales (D)record in a month.
<정답> 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) whose -> who
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