Lesson 4 - 오늘의 핸드아웃

★ 어휘 ★

109. brief A~ 에게 연설을 하다127. challenging 도전하는
110. broaden넓히다128. charge 요금 (요금을 청구하다)
111. broadly넓게129. charitable 자선의
112. brochure소책자130. chef 주방장
113. budget예산, 할당하다131. circulate 유포하다
114. business hour근무 시간132. claim 주장하다, 요구하다; 청구
115. business sense사업적 감각133. clearly 명료하게
116. by means of~ 에 의해134. client 고객
117. cafeteria구내 식당135. closely 주의깊게,면밀히
118. cancellation취소136. colleague 동료
119. candidate후보자, 지원자137. collide with ~ 와 충돌하다
120. carry out수행하다138. come close to ~ 에 가까이 가다
121. categorize분류하다139. come to an end 끝나다
122. cause일으키다, 초래하다140. come up with ~ 을 생각해내다
123. caution주의141. comment 논평, 의견
124. cautiously조심스럽게142. commitment 약속, 관여, 헌신, 책임
125. certification자격(증)143. common 일반적인, 보통의
126. certify증명하다144. commute통근하다

★ 문법 - 명사 ★

1.명사는 문장의 주어, 주격보어, 목적어, 목적격보어, 전치사의 목적어로 쓰인다
Dr.Brown is a famous scientist.(주격보어)
I called a taxi.(목적어)
We elected him chairman.(목적격보어)
You can't depend on John.(전치사의 목적어)

2.명사 두개를 연이어 쓸수 없다
The stag received instructions for operation the central heating.(x)
The staff received instructions for operating the central heating.(o)

An (A)effective commercial (B)presentation the product in (C)an imaginative (D)and positive way.

3.명사 vs. 동명사 vs.명사의 어형
1>_________for training courses are required to have at least two years' experience.
(A)Apply (B)Application (C) Applying (D)Applicants

2>Our new appraisal system for college interns will evaluate their ________and provide that information to their universities.
(A)performance (B)performing (C)perform (D)performed

3>All of (A)the people (B)taking part in (C)current labor dispute negotiations look forward to a quick (D)concluding.

4.단어의 의미에 따라 어형이 달라진다 (part6)
Reservations for attendant should be received by this Friday.(x)
Reservations for attendance should be received by this Friday.(o)

When the (A)shipment (B)arrives from the factory tomorrow, make (C)sure to get a copy of the (D)reception from the delivery driver.

5.단수가산명사 앞에는 반드시 관사 필요 or 복수로 만든다
1>Raymond (A)is attractive candidate for the job (B)because he (C)repeatedly emphasizes (D)safety consciousness, reality and good customer service.

2>The public hospitals (A)plan to spend $3million to hire (B)more cardiologists (C)in effort to improve heart care for (D)residents that earn low income.

(a credit card/ a refund/ a price/ an appointment/ a job opening/ an account/ a discount/ a supplier/ in an effort to/ as a result of/ make an attempt to)

<정답> 2. (B) presentation -> presenting 3. 1> (D) 2> (A) 3> (D) concluding -> conclusion 4. (D) reception -> receipt 5. 1> (A) is attractive -> is an attractive 2> (C) in effort to -> in an effort to

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