Lesson 2 - 오늘의 핸드아웃

★ 어휘 ★

37. appear나타나다, 실리다55. asset자산
38. appearance외양56. assignment과제, 업무
39. appliance 가전 제품57. assist with~ 을 돕다
40. applicable 적용가능한 58. assistant보조(의)
41. applicant 지원자 59. associate동료
42. application 신청서, 신청 60. associated with~ 와 관련된
43. apply for 신청하다 61. assume가정하다, 책임을 맡다
44. appoint 임명하다 62. assure AA에게 보증하다
45. appraisal 평가 63. at all times항상
46. appreciate ~ 에 대해 감사하다 64. at least최소한
47. approval 승인 65. at one's convenience~ 의 편의를 위해
48. approximately 거의, 대략 66. at the latest늦어도
49. architect 건축가 67. at the rate of~ 의 비율로
50. arrange 정하다, 준비하다 68. at the same time동시에
51. arrival 도착 69. attach붙이다
52. article 기사,물품, 목록 70. attendance참석
53. as a result of ~ 의 결과로서 71. attendee참석자
54. assess 부과하다,평가하다 72. attorney변호사

★ 문법 - 분사 ★

1.본동사가 필요한가, 분사가 필요한가?
All travelers must present their tickets to the designate ticket representatives.(X)
All travelers must present their tickets to the designated ticket representatives.(O)

2.현재분사(V-ing)인가 과거분사(V-ed)인가?
Guests should not occupy the reserving parking area.(X)
Guests should not occupy the reserved parking area.(O)

The new policy designing to improve the company image will be implemented.(X)
The new policy designed to improve the company image will be implemented.(O)

3.자동사를 분사로 쓸때는 수동의 의미가 없기 때문에 항상 현재분사(V-ing)이다.
The only remained question is whether we can raise the money.(X)
The only remaining question is whether we can raise the money.(O)

the rising cost (상승하는 비용)
the existing regulations (현재의 규정)
the deteriorating equipment (노후화된 장비)
the growing number (증가하는 수)
the declining prices (떨어지는 가격)
missing luggage (분실된 짐)
lasting impression (지속되는 감동)
an opposing point of view (반대의 관점)

4.감정을 표현하는 분사
The results of the project were less than satisfied.(X)
The results of the project were less than satisfying.(O)

an interesting game
an exciting movie
the disappointing results
the surprising news
an embarrassing situation
a boring party
some confusing instructions
the interested audience
the excited people
the disappointed manager
the surprised editors
the embarrassed people
the bored guests
some confused customers

When transmit a proposal by Fax, notify the recipient by phone in advance.(X)
When transmitting a proposal by Fax, notify the recipient by phone in advance.(O)

★ 연습문제 ★

1.We have some _______results to report on the outcome of the marketing campaign.
(A)disappoint (B)disappointing

2.Many new programs _______by our team allow us to expand our influence.
(A)developed (B)developing

3.Shopping has been delayed for the last three days because of the investigations ______in customs.
(A)happened (B)happening

4.The schedule _______in the guidebook says that the boat leaves the island once an hour on the hour.
(A)writing (B)written

5.We picked up our plane tickets today, so now we are really ________about our trip to Italy next week.
(A)exciting (B)excited

<정답> 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (B)


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