Lesson 1 - 오늘의 핸드아웃  
★ 어휘 ★

1. a great deal 상당히 19. additional 추가적인
2. a live coverage 생방송 취재 20. adequately 알맞게, 충분하게
3. a minimum of 최소한 21. admission 입학 허가, 승인
4. a number of 복수명사+복수동사 22. adopt 선택하다
5. a wide range of 폭넓은, 다양한 23. advertising campaign 광고 활동
6. absolutely 완전히 24. affluent 풍요로운
7. accommodate 수용하다 25. agenda 안건
8. accommodations 숙박 26. agent 대리인
9. accompany 동반하다 27. agreement 동의, 합의
10. account for 비율을 차지하다 28. alleviate 경감시키다
11. account 계좌 29. allocate 할당하다
12. accountant 회계사 30. allow 허락하다
13. accumulation 축적 31. allowance 급여액, 수당
14. accurate 정확한 32. alternative 대신하는, 대안
15. accuse ~ A of B A를 B때문에 비난하다 33. analysis 분석
16. acquaint A with B A에게 B를 익숙하게 하다 34. announce 발표하다
17. acquire 획득하다 35. annual conference 연례 총회
18. across the country 전국적으로 36. anticipate 예상하다
★ 문법 - 어형 / 품사 ★

동사 : 주로 행위를 나타낸다. 주어 뒤에 위치하며 명령문은 주어 없이 문장 앞에 온다.
1. The director reviewed the monthly report .
2. If you have any problems, please contact our customer service.
3. It necessary to submit the monthly report.(X)
=>It is necessary to submit the monthly report.(O)

명사 : 주어, 타동사의 목적어, 전치사의 목적어 자리에 들어간다.
명사의 뜻을 정확하게 알고 명사 / 동명사도 구별할 수 있어야 한다.
1. The director reviewed the monthly report with the consultant.(o)
2. The director reviewed the monthly report with the consultation.(x)
3. The director reviewed the monthly report with the consulting.(x)

형용사 : 명사 앞 (a/the + 형용사 + 명사), be / become 동사 뒤에 위치한다.
1. He is a careful supervisor. (한정사와 명사 사이)
2. The supervisor is careful about the operations. (be 동사 뒤)

부사 : 형용사, 부사, 동사, 접속사, 전치사 수식.
1. The woman is very beautiful. (be + 부사 + 형용사)
Friends are cordially invited to the marriage ceremony. (be + 부사 + p.p.)
2. Fortunately, they found some errors in the figures. (문장 앞 : 문장수식 부사)
3. They carefully reviewed the monthly report. (문장 중간 : 본동사 앞)
They have carefully reviewed the monthly report. (문장 중간 : 조동사 뒤, 본동사 앞)
4. The prices rose sharply. (문장 끝 : S + V + Adv.)
The company raised the prices sharply. (문장 끝 : S + V + O + Adv.)

어형 변화
동사(V) 명사(N) 형용사(Adj.) 부사(Adv.)
simplify simplicity   simple simply
negotiate negotiation negotiator negotiable decisively
decide decision   decisive decisively
accept acceptance   acceptable acceptably
attend attendance attendant
specify specification   specific specifically
continue continuity   continuous continuously
produce production
producer productive productively
satisfy satisfaction   satisfactory satisfactorily
-fy, -ate, -en,
-ize, etc.
-ity, -th
-ment, etc.
-ee, -or, -ant -ory, -able,
-ive, -ic,
-ous, -ful, etc.
형용사 + ly

명사와 동명사 구별
All the participants look forward to a fruitful concluding.(x)
All the participants look forward to a fruitful conclusion.(o)
★ 연습문제 ★

protect/ protection/ protective/ protectively

1. Their technology was used to produce ________ clothing and sports equipment.
2. The regulation provides an excellent measure of ______ against the unauthorized use of information.
3. The laws _______the product or service name used in the advertising.

satisfy/ satisfaction/ satisfactory/ satisfactorily

1. The director places a significant emphasis on maintaining customer_______.
2. Several computer problems were ______ repaired over the weekend.
3. Our performance in the third quarter was ______.

continue/ continuity/ continuous/ continuously

1. Due to our policy of _________ product development, we have reached the highest sales.
2. For ______ updated news from the U.S. Stock Exchange, visit our website.



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