자주 출제된 단어들이니 암기하시면 좋은 결과가 있을 것 같습니다.


* reach an agreement

* automated the assembly lines

* made of

* due to the inclement weather, due to the storm

* around the world, throughout the world

* under construction

* during periods

* throughout the day

* through the use of large-scale surveys and focus groups

* touch down - The London-to-Sydney flight touched down

* concentrate on writing a book

* talk about the problem

* marketing consultant

* both management and labor representatives,

* either today or tomorrow

* between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M.

* such high attendance

* each other와 one another은 둘 셋 구분 없이 함께 쓰인다.

* follow the signs to the exits

* take advantage of market momentum

* keep it in good condition

* The company is likely to recover part of the losses

* this week's shipments are likely to arrive late

* her decision had not been easy to make (be easy to)

* be capable of

* be responsible for the general maintenance of public parks

* any questions about this

* This area of the city

* be congratulated on his recent promotion

* on a clear day

* damaged luggage

* unused vacation time

* make sure that S + V (not make surely)

* increase rapidly (dramatically)

* with a minimum of 5 years' experience in sales (minimal과 구별)

* the sweaters are made out of wool

* from one investor to another

* an updated manual (not update)


* meet their needs

* several prizes were awarded

* use extreme caution

* expand the capacity

* inspect product quality

* check the conditions (not check for the conditions)

* escort the clients to the new art exhibit.

* available to all members at no exact cost

* unusable for publicity purposes.

* under the new management

* under the reconstruction plan

* on the waiting list

* in honor of his youngest daughter, The banquet in honor of Dr. Yoshida

* mail it to us at your convenience

* at the owner's expense

* in danger of extinction

* Without a doubt

* ahead of time

* ahead of schedule ↔ behind schedule

* aside from the minor corrections

* in case there is an emergency.

* came in third

* assist with the company's fundraising efforts

* make up for slower growth

* benefit from a better and cheaper transportation system.

* Legislation comes into effect

* comply with federal law

* retire from the company

* narrow down its list of potential contractors

* Dust can interfere with your computer's cooling mechanism

* sales figures,

* attendance records

* job openings

* marketing strategy

* follow basic safety precautions

* set up one plant in Washington and another in Yorktown,

* take something into consideration

* replace the faulty motor with a new one

* have a profound influence on the company's long-range planning

* obtain permission from a physician(at으로 속임)

* came close to the amount

* be subject to cancellation

* be eligible for membership

* be conscious of the import!ance of diet and exercise

* be running short of

* be comparable to buying machinery.

* become used to handling stress

* be related to each other

* every hour on the hour

* a strong emphasis on training and career growth

* some questions concerning ~~

* at least three months in advance

* A live broadcast (alive, living과 구별)

* in the foreseeable future (foreseeing과 구별)

* occupy the reserved parking area

* confirm!ed reservations and no bags to check

* at reasonable rates

* make public his early retirement (mature 과 구별, 조기퇴직)

* fiscal year

* remnants of the resort's former grandeur remain

* designated ports

* a good indication that S + V

* the opposing point of view (opposed와 구별)

* consult the attached schedule (attaching과 구별)

* the use of protective equipment (protecting과 구별)

* monitoring prices (monitored, monitor와 구별)

* the interests of his local supporters (localized와 구별)

* be aware that ~~

* hardly ever

* be extremely successful

* unlimited access

* has direct access to a small beach (not approach, track)

* work cooperatively

* has yet to finish his work

* informative and interesting.

* in a courteous manner

* a very dedicated and talented team (not consecrated, correlated, abbreviated)

* in addition to an attractive salary

* insert the blade into the motor unit (not include, induce)

* lead to a breakdown

* completely guaranteed

* how far apart they sit and stand (not beside, from)

* expiration dates (not expiring)

* enhance the engine capacity of our harvesting machines

* provided that S + V

* automobile division (not category, faction)

* improve staff productivity

* cordially invited

* arrange waste disposal and engine maintenance (not arrange to)

* make it possible to increase (it을 생략하면 안됨)

* succeeded in resolving the problem

* exposure to sunlight

* a rich source of information

* The problems will be dealt with (with가 없으면 안됨)

* as a result of serious concerns

* run short

* Without a doubt


* defy description

* generate funds

* foster positive international relations

* demonstrate ability in managing a nonprofit organization

* notice the elaborate paintings on the ceiling (not notify)

* upon request,

* with the written consent of both parties

* with little concern for public opinion

* on the recommendation of his closest aides(in으로 속임)

* put in for a transfer to go there

* wage increases traditionally lag behind inflation

* two forms of identification

* broaden our research into a few areas

* an advocate of children's rights. (for도 가능)

* marginal interest

* fifteen kilometers away from the city center (거리에서는 far이 아님)

* the bank's ability to post recent deposits to your account. (not posting)

* largely determine (not amply, deeply)

* promotional offers (not suggestions, bids)

* assign parking spaces to 사람

* generate a statement of the division's goals

* persuasive arguments (not persuaded, persuadable)

* thank our clients for being so understanding (not understandable)

* just as reliable.

* Temperature and precipitation data for over 1,500 cities

* expansive room (not expanse, expansion)

* for a higher price

* approve the purchase (not approve for the purchase)

* approve the invoice

* related to each other

* cautiously optimistic

* concern for public opinion(not with, from)

* inherently risky


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