cause : a principle, goal, or movement to which a person or group is dedicated
settle for : to be stisfied with
lingerie : underwear, sleepwear, and other items of intimate apparel worn by women
ban : to prohibit, forbid, or bar
defiant : showing defiance
meadow : a relatively flat area of low vegetation dominated by grasses
converge : to approach a single point
legacy : anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
outlook : point of view

A Daedly Base Jump
Real TV

EYKEL : Hi I'm Kristen Eykel. She was a hero to many people. She was not afraid to take risks for what she believed in. Now, only Real TV can bring you the emotional story of a woman who died for her cause.
You may only know her as the base jumping protestor who recently lost her life in Yosemite National Park. But, through exclusive videos ans interviews, you're about to see there was more to Jan Davis than what was in the headline, a lot more.

DAVIS : She just uhm... she just brought out the best in me. Made me do the best I could. You know, we don't settle for second best. And that's the way she was.

EYKEL :In his first national interview since his wife's death, Jan's husband, Tom, looks back on this special lady we first met several years ago.

DAVIS :A lot ofpeoplewatchedtheRealTVhave watched her. And I thinkthat they can admireherspiritof adventure.

EYKEL :With Tombehind the camera,we've seenJan become the firstwomanto jump offtheworld'stallestwaterfall, leapfromAmerica'ssecondhighestbridge,andevenfloatthrough theairdressedin lingerie.Butperhapsmost amazingly, thiswas allafter she turned forty.

DAVIS :There were onlythree things thatJan was afraidof:she wasafraidof notliving lifeto its fullest, she wasafraid ofgrowing old, and she was afraid ofa slow painfuldeath.

EYKEL :OnethingJan was not afraidofwastaking a stand.Andwhenbase jumpingwas banned inYosemite, she and Tom were outraged.

DAVIS :I justfirmlybelieve that, aslong asyou're nothurting anyoneelse, thatyou should be allowed tolive lifethewayyou wanna live it.And ifthat includesbase jumping off a cliff, I thinkyoushouldbeableto do that.

EYKEL:OnOctober 22nd, base jumpersconvergedonYosemiteto publicly protesttheban bydefiantlyleaping offspectacularElCapitan Peak. Tomshot this vedioof Janthe morningof herfatefuljump.

Jan :Gottabebroughtupin frontofthe media becausethe park's just uh...writin' theirownrules. Andsomebody'sgotta know about it.

EYKEL :As Tom,the media, andpark rangerswaitedbelow, Jan andfour fellowjumpersclimbed upthe thirty-two-hundred-foot muontain.Onceontop, Janchanged intoprison-stripesto show supportfor jailed basejumpers.Friend, BrendaOldfieldwatched fromthe meadow below.

OLDFIELD: I wasjustyouso damnedproudof herupthere. Wewatched her comeoff thecliff...

EYKEL :Jan'schute neveropens. Tomhad towatchit allthroughhis camera lens.

DAVIS :I just want herlegacyto besomebodythatlived lifeto its fullest andnever took a sunriseor a sunsetfor granted. Shewas sobeautiful.

EYKEL:Recently, hundreds of friendsgatheredfor a celebrationof Jan'slife, whereTom spread her ashes overLakeElsinore, California.
Today, Tom is leftwithmore than positivememories of his wife. He alsohas her positiveoutlook.

DAVIS : (I'm) just hoping that, if live my life in her spirit, that I will get a chance to be with her spirit again.

EYKEL: Beautiful story.Tom tells us hewillcontinue tofightforwhat Janbelieved in. He plans tobasejumpoffEl Capitanoneday himself.

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